This is the third installment in following a brand design process as it unfolds.
Here is Part One and here is Part Two.
“The real act of discovery consists not in finding new lands but of seeing with new eyes.”
Marcel Proust
Okay, so we’ve already seen what Round 1 looked like. Let’s take a look at how we made progress on Round 2:
Based on some conversation on Round 1, I set these aside for additional dialogue. These informed some outputs, seen below.
Here’s a clear direction that I thought could really be the “final” logo:
And here is the second proposal:
Comparing the two
Neither of these hit 100% — we wanted to “see” more value in the logo. Owner empowers restaurant and small-business owners and this should elevate the abstract idea of value and protection.
Up next, I’ll introduce the true Final Mark and outline next steps on building the brand guidelines.